
New Zenler
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Private equity: the bottom line benefits from gender diversity via Financial Times
"Our large-scale research reveals that gender diversity in private equity is not only about morality; it is also a contributor to successful transactions. Gender diversity produces higher returns and a lower risk of failure than all-male teams. More generally, diversity in all forms — ethnicity, nationality, gender, professional backgrounds and experience — enhances efficiency in private equity buyouts."
The big reset: Data-driven marketing in the next normal via McKinsey
Savvy marketers are rethinking their tech and data strategies to double down on precision marketing following COVID-19. How about Communication & Public Relations professionals?
Exploring a More Sustainable World: Crisis, Activism, and Stakeholders via ECREA
Friday 9 Apr 2021 at 15:00 - The presentations in this session will explore the role of communication as we forge a more sustainable world. Each of the presentations in this panel explores a different aspect of creating a more sustainable world and the intersection of stakeholder attitudes or behaviors, activism, and the role that different organizations will play in shaping this future.
Replay: What Are We Learning? SBCC Takeaways from the COVID-19 Pandemic
This webinar, aired on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, explored lessons, takeaways and recommendations for social and behavior change communication (SBCC) programs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Think Tanks Conference 2021 via OTT
On 20 April we will discuss think tanks and change. The keynote will be delivered by Anne-Marie Slaughter, CEO of New America, followed by discussions with Karin von Hippel (RUSI), Julia Pomares (CIPPEC), Sonja Stojanovic Gajic (formerly BCSP), Ignacio Irarrázaval (Centro UC de Políticas Públicas), Scarlett Varga (Bruegel), Sherine Ghoneim (Economic Research Forum), and others.
On 21 April we have invited peer and partner organisations to organise their own sessions, including Cast from Clay, the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), European Policy Centre (EPC), foraus, Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC), R Street Institute, Soapbox, Southern Hemisphere, and others.
On 22 April we will reconvene for a panel discussion on the future of think tanks with Dede Amanor-Wilks (IEA Ghana), Yamini Aiyar (CPR), Daniela Schwarzer (DGAP), and Andrea Ordoñez (Southern Voice).
The International Media Consumption Report 2021 via PR Week
Throughout the past year, not only have businesses across the world been hit with the most testing and challenging period in recent memory, but we've seen consumers faced with little social options outside of lockdown.
This research provides an invaluable insight into the impact of COVID-19 in Great Britain, the US, and 15 other global markets, and the behavioural change and media consumption habits of consumers.
The largest Communication study in the region, now available to download and read. Topics covered:
- Strategic issues: Digitalisation, big data and algorithms, and maintaining trust are prioritised by communication professionals in the region
- Competencies: Many practitioners feel not full qualified to use data and technology; four out of five see a need for competency development
- Ethical challenges and concerns: 56 percent face such issues recently; many communicators lack resources to handle such situations
- Gender equality: Women dominate the profession with a stronger male representation on the leadership level - with differences between countries
Principles for Board Governance of Cyber Risk via World Economic Forum
Cyber risk is among the top risks facing businesses today, and it has become clear that boards, especially, need stronger foundations to govern cyber risks effectively. This paper is designed as a reference for corporate directors as they set their organization’s cybersecurity strategy and engage with stakeholders on the issue of cyber risk.